Sort Map by Key using TreeMap in Java Sort Map by Key using TreeMap in Java

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In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use TreeMap to sort a Map by its keys in Java

Sort Map by Simple Key

Let’s initialize a Map, where the map key is a simple key of type String

// initialize map in random order of keys
Map<String, String> map = Map.of(
    "key5", "value5",
    "key2", "value2",
    "key4", "value4",
    "key1",  "value1",
    "key3", "value3");

Sort Map in ascending order

When you initialize a TreeMap by passing an existing map in the constructor e.g. new TreeMap<>(map), it is sorted according to the natural ordering of its keys, which is the ascending alphabetical order for String key type.

Map<String, String> sortedTreeMap = new TreeMap<>(map);

// {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3, key4=value4, key5=value5}

Sort Map in descending order

You can also initialize a TreeMap by passing a Comparator in the constructor new TreeMap<>(Comparator.reverseOrder()). In this case, all the map entries added to this TreeMap are sorted by the passed Comparator.

Since we have provided the Comparator to sort by reverse natural order, the resulting map is sorted by descending alphabetical order for String key type.

Map<String, String> reverseSortedTreeMap = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.reverseOrder());

// {key5=value5, key4=value4, key3=value3, key2=value2, key1=value1}

Sort Map by Object Key

Let’s initialize a Map, where the map key is a complex key of type ComplexKey class, which has multiple properties - name and priority.

public class ComplexKey {
  String name;
  int priority;

// initialize map in random order of keys
Map<ComplexKey, String> map1 = Map.of(
    new ComplexKey("key5", 1), "value5",
    new ComplexKey("key2", 1), "value2",
    new ComplexKey("key4", 1), "value4",
    new ComplexKey("key1", 2), "value1",
    new ComplexKey("key3", 2), "value3");

Sort Map in ascending order

When you initialize a TreeMap by passing a Comparator in the constructor e.g. new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparing(ComplexKey::getName)), then all the map entries added to this TreeMap are sorted by the passed Comparator.

We passed the Comparator to sort the Map by Key Object’s name property in ascending order. Let’s see the result:-

Map<ComplexKey, String> sortedTreeMap = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparing(ComplexKey::getName));

// {ComplexKey(name=key1, priority=2)=value1, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key2, priority=1)=value2, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key3, priority=2)=value3, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key4, priority=1)=value4, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key5, priority=1)=value5}
Sort by multiple key properties

We can also pass a Comparator that sorts the map by multiple Key Object’s properties. For example, sort the map by priority property and then by name property in ascending order.

Map<ComplexKey, String> sortedTreeMap = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparingInt(ComplexKey::getPriority).thenComparing(ComplexKey::getName));

// {ComplexKey(name=key2, priority=1)=value2, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key4, priority=1)=value4, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key5, priority=1)=value5, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key1, priority=2)=value1, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key3, priority=2)=value3}

Sort Map in descending order

Let’s initialize a TreeMap by passing a Comparator, which sorts the map by Key Object’s name property in descending order.

Map<ComplexKey, String> reverseSortedTreeMap = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparing(ComplexKey::getName).reversed());

// {ComplexKey(name=key5, priority=1)=value5, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key4, priority=1)=value4, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key3, priority=2)=value3, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key2, priority=1)=value2, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key1, priority=2)=value1}
Sort by multiple key properties

We can also pass a Comparator that sorts the map by multiple Key Object’s properties. For example, sort the map by priority property in ascending order and then by name property in descending order.

Map<ComplexKey, String> reverseSortedTreeMapWithMultipleFields = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparingInt(ComplexKey::getPriority)
    .thenComparing((c1, c2) -> c2.getName().compareTo(c1.getName())));

// {ComplexKey(name=key5, priority=1)=value5, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key4, priority=1)=value4, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key2, priority=1)=value2, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key3, priority=2)=value3, 
//  ComplexKey(name=key1, priority=2)=value1}