JavaScript ES6

Async/Await in JavaScript

Async/Await in JavaScript

Ashish Lahoti

Async functions and Await keyword are latest additions in JavaScript as part of ECMAScript 2017 release which introduced a new way of writing asynchronous functions. In this post we will talk about why we should use async/wait, its syntax and practical usage with example.

Promises in JavaScript

Promises in JavaScript

Ashish Lahoti

Promises are introduced natively in ES6. They are very similar to our promises. As we keep or break our promises, Javascript promises are also either resolve or reject. In this post we will talk about why we should use promises, promise syntax, promise states and its practical usage with examples using fetch API.

Object methods in JavaScript

Object methods in JavaScript

Ashish Lahoti

This post describes the usage of various Object methods like Object.create(), Object.assign(), Object.freeze(), Object.seal() and many more available in JavaScript with examples.

Difference between var, let and const

Difference between var, let and const

Ashish Lahoti

A nice feature addition in ES2015 (ES6) was the introduction of let and const keywords for variable declaration. You can use var, let and const keyword interchangeably for variable declaration though it makes a difference in terms of their scope, usage and hoisting. If you are not aware of these differences then please continue to read…