Transform JSON-LD in Java Transform JSON-LD in Java

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In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to transform a Java Object to JSON-LD and vice versa. Also learn how to verify the schema of JSON-LD.


JSON-LD is a JSON-based format which is used to represent structured data and linked data. Schema of JSON-LD can be found in documentation of

JSON-LD is widely used in websites to markup the schema of website pages. This helps website indexers (such as Google) to understand the website better and boost SEO. Though the JSON-LD usage are not limited to websites, also used in REST Web services, and unstructured databases such as Apache CouchDB and MongoDB.

Transform Java Object to JSON-LD

Let’s transform the Java object to JSON-LD using jackson-jsonld which is a Jackson module that provides the annotation to generate JSON-LD documents.

Add Maven Dependency

If you are using maven, add jackson-jsonld dependency in your pom.xml


Transform Java Object to JSON-LD

Next, We create a Person class and annotate it with json-ld annotations.

package com.cnc;

import ioinformarics.oss.jackson.module.jsonld.annotation.JsonldId;
import ioinformarics.oss.jackson.module.jsonld.annotation.JsonldProperty;
import ioinformarics.oss.jackson.module.jsonld.annotation.JsonldType;

public class Person {
    public  String id;
    public String name;
    public String jobtitle;
    public String url;

Finally, we create a Person object instance and transform it in JSON-LD

// Register Jsonld Module with Jackson
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.configure(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true);
objectMapper.registerModule(new JsonldModule(() -> objectMapper.createObjectNode()));

// Create Person Instance
Person person = new Person(); = ""; = "Ashish Lahoti";
person.jobtitle = "Software Developer";
person.url = "";

// Transform to JSON-LD
String personJsonLd = objectMapper.writer().writeValueAsString(JsonldResource.Builder.create().build(person));
{ "@context" : { "jobtitle" : "", "name" : "", "url" : "" }, "@type" : "", "name" : "Ashish Lahoti", "jobtitle" : "Software Developer", "url" : "", "@id" : "" }

Transform Nested Java Object to JSON-LD

We can also transform nested java objects to complex JSON-LD. Let’s annotate Organization and Location classes with json-ld annotations.

public class Organization {
	public Integer id;
	public String url;
	public String name;
	public Location location;

public class Location {
	public String address;
	public String city;
	public String state;
	public String country;
	public String zipcode;

Now, create an instance of Organization which also have a Location property and transform the instance to JSON-LD

// Register Jsonld Module with Jackson
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.configure(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true);
objectMapper.registerModule(new JsonldModule(() -> objectMapper.createObjectNode()));

// Create Organization and Location Instances
Organization org = new Organization(); = 12345;
org.url = ""; = "CodingNConcepts";

Location location = new Location();
location.address = "7 S. Broadway"; = "Denver";
location.state = "CO"; = "USA";
location.zipcode = "80209";
org.location = location;

// Transform to JSON-LD
String orgJsonLd = objectMapper.writer().writeValueAsString(JsonldResource.Builder.create().build(org));
{ "@context" : { "name" : "", "location" : "", "url" : "" }, "@type" : "", "url" : "", "name" : "CodingNConcepts", "location" : { "@type" : "", "@context" : { "zipcode" : "", "country" : "", "address" : "", "city" : "", "state" : "" }, "address" : "7 S. Broadway", "city" : "Denver", "state" : "CO", "country" : "USA", "zipcode" : "80209" }, "@id" : 12345 }

Transform JSON-LD to Java Object

We can also transform the JSON-LD document to a plain JSON object and further transform the JSON to Java Object using Jackson Object Mapper. Let’s use jsonld-java which is a Java implementation of the JSON-LD 1.0 specification.

Add Maven Dependency

If you are using maven, add jsonld-java dependency in your pom.xml


Transform JSON-LD to JSON

Let’s user the Person JSON-LD and save it in a file input.json


  "@context" : {
    "jobtitle" : "",
    "name" : "",
    "url" : ""
  "@type" : "",
  "name" : "Ashish Lahoti",
  "jobtitle" : "Software Developer",
  "url" : "",
  "@id" : ""

Next, read from this file and transform to a simple JSON string

// Read from JSON-LD file
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("input.json");
Object jsonObject = JsonUtils.fromInputStream(inputStream);

// Transform to Simple JSON compact object
Object compact = JsonLdProcessor.compact(jsonObject, new HashMap<>(), new JsonLdOptions());

// Convert JSON to String
String compactContent = JsonUtils.toPrettyString(compact);
{ "@id" : "", "@type" : "", "" : "Software Developer", "" : "Ashish Lahoti", "" : "" }

Transform JSON to Java Object

We can further map this JSON string to a PersonJson POJO using Jackson ObjectMapper

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class PersonJson {
    private String id;
    private String type;
    private String name;
    private String url;
    private String jobtitle;
// Map JSON to POJO
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
PersonJson person = objectMapper.readValue(compactContent, PersonJson.class);

Verify Transformed JSON-LD

You can verify the schema of transformed JSON-LD using Structured Data Testing Tool.

Click on the link and select “CODE SNIPPET” tab. Then copy paste the generated JSON-LD. Click “Run Test”. It tells if the schema of generated JSON-LD is correct and show errors if any.

The full source code of this tutorial is available on GitHub.