Split String by delimiter in Kotlin
In this post, we’ll see quick examples of splitting a string by delimiter to list in Kotlin.
split() to list
Split a string by colon (:) delimiter and print the list
val str = "A:B:C"
val delim = ":"
val list = str.split(delim)
println(list) // [A, B, C]
split() and trim()
Split urls separated by comma (,) delimiter, trim the spaces, and print the list
val brokerUrls = "http://broker1.com , http://broker2.com , http://broker3.com"
val delim = ","
val list = brokerUrls.split(delim).map { it.trim() }
println(list) // [http://broker1.com, http://broker2.com, http://broker3.com]
split() by multiple delimiters
Split pairs by semicolon (;) and equal (=) delimiters, and print the extracted list of keys and values
val pairs = "key1=value1;key2=value2;key3=value3"
val list = pairs.split(";", "=").map { it.trim() }
println(list) // [key1, value1, key2, value2, key3, value3]
split() to array
Split a pair by equal (=) delimiter and print the array elements by index
val pair = "key=value"
val delim = "="
val array = pair.split(delim).toTypedArray()
println(array[0]) // key
println(array[1]) // value
removeSurrounding(), split(), and trim()
Given the json as a string, first remove the prefix and suffix from the string using removeSurrounding()
, then split the string by multiple delimiters, and finally trim the spaces before returning the list
val str = "{ key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3 }"
val list = str.removeSurrounding("{", "}").split(":", ",").map { it.trim() }
println(list) // [key1, value1, key2, value2, key3, value3]
split string to equal parts by n letters
We use chunked()
function to split the string into equal parts, each part contains 3 letters of currency code
val list = str.chunked(3)
println(list) // [USD, AUD, INR, SGD, EUR]
split string by new line
We use lines()
function to split the string into a list of lines delimited by any of the following character sequences: CRLF, LF or CR.
val str = "codingnconcepts.com\nKotlin Tutorial\rSplit String"
val list = str.lines()
println(list) // [codingnconcepts.com, Kotlin Tutorial, Split String]