9 Balls Weight Puzzle (Solved)
This is my favorite weight puzzle which have been asked from me in many interviews over the past few years.
This is my favorite weight puzzle which have been asked from me in many interviews over the past few years.
The one light bulb and three switches puzzle has been asked several times in interviews to evaluate candidate’s analytical skills.
The Fruit basket puzzle comes under basic puzzles being asked in the interview.
This riddle is from famous Die Hard movie where Bruce Willis and Jackson have to diffuse a bomb by placing exactly 4 gallon water on a scale using 3 gallon and 5 gallon water jug.
The 2 Eggs and 100 Floors problem is frequently asked in interview to evaluate candidate’s understanding on linear search and binary search. I have tried to explain this problem as easy as possible.
The 25 Horses 5 Tracks Problem is a famous Google interview question that has been asked in many companies to evaluate candidate’s analytical ability and problem solving approach.
Burning Rope Puzzle comes under basic puzzles asked in the interview.
The legend says that this problem was created by Albert Einstein in the last century. Einstein said that only 2% of the world could solve it.
This is a pure mathematical puzzle which evaluate your ability to solve maths equation. This is a great problem for building number sense.
This is my favorite weight puzzle which have been asked from me in many interviews over the past few years.