Assert Optional Value in Java
JUnit 5, AssertJ
In this article, we will learn how to assert Optional in Java using JUnit 5 and AssertJ assertion libraries.
We usually write a unit test to verify the expected output from a method. When a method returns an Optional object, we have to write test cases to check if the Optional is present, empty or has an expected value. We can do that using Junit 5 and AssertJ libraries.
Assert Optional
Let’s look at quick examples to write test cases for returning Optional Object using Junit 5 and AssertJ libraries.
JUnit 5
JUnit 5 doesn’t provide great support for Optional like AssertJ library though we managed to do all basic Optional assertions in the below examples:-
Test that a value is present in Optional:-
Optional<String> optional = Optional.of("foo"); assertTrue(optional.isPresent()); // pass
Test that a value is not present or empty in Optional:-
Optional<String> optional = Optional.empty(); assertFalse(optional.isPresent()); // pass
Test an Optional String:-
Optional<String> optional = Optional.of("foo"); assertTrue(optional.isPresent()); assertEquals("foo", optional.get());
Test an Optional Object having multiple properties:-
Optional<User> userOptional = Optional.of(new User("Jack", 21, true)); assertTrue(userOptional.isPresent()); userOptional.ifPresent(user -> { assertEquals("Jack", user.getFirstName()); assertTrue(user.getAge() > 18); assertTrue(user.getIsPremiumUser()); });
Note that Junit 5 doesn’t provide any assertion to test multiple properties of an Optional Object so we made use of
to assert all the properties.
Also Read Unit Test with JUnit 5 in Java for more details.
AssertJ has good support for Optional objects and provides many fluent assertions specific to Optional. Let’s look at the below examples:-
Test that a value is present in Optional:-
Optional<String> optional = Optional.of("foo"); assertThat(optional).isPresent(); // pass assertThat(optional).isNotEmpty(); // pass
Note that
are alias and can be used interchangeably. -
Test that a value is not present or empty in Optional:-
Optional<String> optional = Optional.empty(); assertThat(optional).isEmpty(); // pass assertThat(optional).isNotPresent(); // pass
Note that
are alias and anyone can be used interchangeably. -
Test an Optional String:-
Optional<String> optional = Optional.of("foo"); assertThat(optional) .isPresent() .isNotEmpty() .containsInstanceOf(String.class) .hasValue("foo") .contains("foo");
Note that
are alias and anyone can be used interchangeably. -
Test an Optional Object having multiple properties:-
Optional<User> userOptional = Optional.of(new User("Jack", 21, true)); assertThat(userOptional) .isPresent() .isNotEmpty() .containsInstanceOf(User.class) .hasValueSatisfying(user -> { assertThat(user.getFirstName()).isEqualTo("Jack"); assertThat(user.getAge()).isGreaterThan(18); assertThat(user.getIsPremiumUser()).isTrue(); });
We have tested all the properties of an Optional Object using
in the above example.
Also Read Unit Test with AssertJ in Java for more details.